Woodbridge School and Sixth Form
+44 (0)1394 615000
Woodbridge School Prep
+44 (0)1394 382673
The children in Year 1 have been exploring the properties of 3D shapes.  They found objects from around the classroom and sorted them according to these properties.  We then played a game of snap to help learn their names.
The Magic Carpet has come to visit the Reception classes. This term the children will be flying to many different continents on the carpet and learning about countries around the world.

In Year 1 the children have enjoyed painting their pieces of art work for the competition ‘Nature’s Delights’. They have used watercolours and acrylics.


The children in Year One have been learning about Great Britain. They have labelled the countries and seas carefully on a map and have used resources in the classroom to compare Great Britain to other countries around the world.


Year One have had great fun exploring Modroc.  They have created a model island to use in the role play area following their unit of work on Homes and Islands.

Mrs.Parker’s art club have enjoyed making pen pots out of recycled toilet roll tubes.  They have designed, constructed, papier mached and painted their pen pots; don’t they look awesome
On Friday 12 January Years 3, 4 and 5 took part in an interactive storytelling workshop in Spanish. John of the Freshwater Theatre Company told two stories (Rocitos de Oro y los Tres Osos and Los Tres Cerditos) with the help of the Abbey pupils. In the afternoon Year 6 were joined by Year 7 pupils from the Senior School and took part in an interactive drama workshop on Don Quijote. Both workshops were very entertaining and helped pupils develop even further their linguistic and cultural knowledge.

Mrs Verona

‘The workshop helped us to learn some different words in Spanish. It was great! There was some fantastic acting.’ Niamh  (Year 4)

‘We had lots of fun at the Spanish workshop. I had a part in Los Tres Cerditos. It was simply great and we learnt some new Spanish words.’ Tom (Year 4)

‘Both stories were extremely funny, and I found the workshop really inspiring and fascinating.’  Theo  (Year 4)

‘I thought the workshop was good because I liked how we were involved in the acting’  Aston  (Year 4)

‘I enjoyed Don Quijote. The actor was great at playing two parts. I loved that we were involved in the acting too!’ Polly  (Year 6)

‘It was funny and educational at the same time!’ Edward  (Year 6)

‘I enjoyed watching the crazy adventures Don Quijote had’ Oscar  (Year 6)

‘The workshop was really funny; I learnt a lot of new words!’ Joe (Year 6)

‘The workshop was a funny, interactive and educational show. I loved it!’ James  (Year 6)

Maths awards for this term will be given to children demonstrating excellent learning during their fortnightly investigative maths sessions. These problem-solving investigations provide a fun, stimulating context in which children can develop and exercise their ability to reason mathematically, think creatively and apply their Learning@Woodbridge core skills. Mathematical Investigations.

3M – Willow
5C – Ruby
5P- Teddy
6S – James
6B- Selina

Well done!

We are delighted to report that Charlotte and Georgie have been selected to attend the Suffolk Netball Performance Academy. The Academy consists of training sessions, which will be held until May 2018 and are run as part of the England Netball Performance programme. Many congratulations to the girls on this achievement.
Year 5 & 6 have been drawing views around The Abbey as part of the Young Art East Anglia competition.   The title this year is “Nature’s Delights” and we hope to have some of our entries shortlisted for the exhibition at Peter Pears gallery in Aldeburgh on the 9th, 10th and 11th March.  This is a wonderful opportunity for aspiring young artists to see their work displayed in a professional gallery.
Year 3 had a wonderful afternoon at the Senior School learning about the importance of algorithms in programming computers. They enjoyed giving precise instructions to their partners and having a go with BeeBots.  Many thanks to BT for coming to visit the children.
As a school we are always mindful of the beautiful outside space that we have and, thanks to a fantastic scheme run by the Woodland Trust, we have received a selection of young trees to plant to further enhance our outdoor space. These trees will provide additional hedging, habitats for wildlife and colour, as well as a natural wild harvest for the inhabitants to enjoy. Before the end of this term every child in The Abbey and Queen’s House will be responsible for planting one of these saplings. Thus playing a small. yet significant part, in the long term health of our beautiful environment.