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Music doesn’t just teach children about music – it helps them to tune in, activating all areas of the brain; something that’s vital for learning. The neural responses ignited by music are the basis for communication and understanding.

The importance of music

Regular musical activity helps children in so many ways, from development of children’s language, communication and fine motor skills to brain and body co-ordination, aural processing and development of a positive sense of self. It’s also great fun!

Recognising the importance and enjoyment of music, children at Woodbridge School Prep have two curriculum music lessons each week, focusing on musicianship skills: pulse, rhythm and pitch.
Teaching is based on sound before sight, but at this stage children are not expected to read music. Teaching is based on the Kodaly Approach; Kodaly believed that music education should begin as early as possible, using highly trained teachers and that rhymes and songs should be simple mother-tongue folk songs.

Music for Prep children

From Year 3 to Year 6, children have two curriculum music lessons per week as well as having the opportunity to participate in a wide range of co-curricular musical activities.

Learning an instrument as part of the curriculum

Children in Year 3 have the chance to learn a string instrument as part of their curriculum music, playing either the violin, viola, cello, or double bass. They have one lesson per week with two of our string teachers. Woodbridge School Prep is delighted to be able to offer instrument hire for free for this whole year, giving children the opportunity to discover more about the instrument and their musical ability.

Instrumental lessons

Children from Year 3 through to 6 have access to a full range of musical instruments, encouraged to consider which they would like to learn to play; lessons take part every week for every Year group. Individual lessons are taught by one of our Visiting Music Teachers and last for 30 minutes.

In Year 4 specifically children are then encouraged to continue lessons in their chosen instrument, given the opportunity to play alongside other musicians at School, learning ensemble skills that continue and develop from this point onwards.

Collaborative music

At the School’s Summer Concert, a celebration of all instrumental work throughout the year is held; all ensembles perform as they do at Christmas, and every child takes part in some way.

Learning to read music

Music reading skills begin to be developed in Prep and from Year 5 onwards the majority of children play an instrument, which they are encouraged to use and play in lessons.

Digital resources

From Year 5 through to Year 6, children begin to work with digital resources to support composition and learning; given access to an online platform for composition of music (Soundtrap).

Co-curricular activities and opportunities

Throughout School children from our Pre Prep and Prep have access to a range of opportunities, activities outside of their curriculum lessons, the opportunities are vast and varied, tailored to suit all levels of talent and interest.


1. Year 3 and 4 Music Club after School; focusing mainly on singing
2. Year 5 and 6 Senior Choir (non-auditioned)
3. Year 6 Elite Chamber Choir (auditioned)

String ensembles
There are three string ensembles each week, open to real beginners right through to those who are more advanced:

Strings and things
Year 2 children experience the violin and cello ahead of Year 3 when they will select an instrument to learn for a year.

For children from Year 3 onwards, Stringles is a chance to play pieces, either learning individually through lessons, or by just joining this club.

Chamber strings
Our string ensemble for Year 5 and 6 children to further develop their ensemble skills.

Woodwind group
A free club that offers children the chance to familiarise themselves with woodwind instruments, aimed at Years 3 and 4, children are able to take part for a term ahead of making a decision to progress or choose an alternative instrument.

Brass group
Similar to woodwind club, this offers Year 5 and 6 children the chance to familiarise themselves with brass instruments, taking part for a term ahead of making a decision to progress or choose an alternative instrument.

Wind band
As soon as children are playing their instrument they’re invited to join, the expectation is that those learning wind instruments outside of School will also participate.

Guitar ensemble
Years 4, 5 and 6 guitarists form this ensemble which is led by our guitar teacher.

A small group that meets every week to learn about music theory; aiming to support those children wanting to work towards grade 5 theory test.

Composition club
For those children interested in the opportunity to collaborate with friends and create their own music, our Composition club meets weekly.

Prep performances

Woodbridge School Prep gives every child at School the chance to perform in a concert or production, every term.

Michaelmas Term
During Michaelmas Term the best instrumentalists from Year 6 play in a band which supports our Pre Prep nativity production; this opportunity stretches more able musicians and is very much seen as a privilege by children invited to participate and is something they aspire to be part of throughout School. Every child is also involved in the Christmas concert; every Year group performing a vocal piece as well as a grand finale item involving the entire Prep School.

Also during Michaelmas Term an afternoon of music is held by Year 6 in our School hall, invitations are sent to parents and grandparents to come along and enjoy the Victorian music performances of the afternoon.

Lent Term
During Lent Term, Year 3 and 4 out on a production which is performed in our Prep Hall. The performance combines music and drama and is always a highlight for these year groups.

Trinity Term
During Trinity Term, Year 5 and 6 work on their production which held each year in the Seckford Theatre.

Just ahead of the half term break, a concert is also held in School; a celebration of all instrumental work throughout the year. All ensembles perform at this event, and every child in School has a part to play and/or an instrument.

Throughout the year
Two lunchtime concerts are also held throughout the year at which musicians from Prep who are taking instrumental lessons have the chance to perform. This presents and opportunity to share what they have learned as well as encourage and develop confidence and resilience – in performing and generally.

Every term Year 3 holds an open strings session; parents are invited into School to observe a lesson and understand how children are taught and to see their development in skill and confidence.

Visits to Almshouses
A small selection of songs are performed to Almshouse residents and visitors from the community by groups of children at different times throughout the year.

WSP Community Choir
Held weekly in the Ambrose Room in School on Friday mornings between 8.30 and 9.00am, Woodbridge School Prep Choir is open to parents, family members and members of the local community. Please contact the School for further information.

Meet the staff

Sarah Petts (Head of Music)

Music is taught by Sarah Petts, whose own philosophy of music is that, “All children can learn and experience instruments and music at Woodbridge School Prep, they’re naturally inquisitive and keen to see, hear and feel music in all its forms. One of the most wonderful parts of my teaching is recognising, supporting and finding opportunities for those children who wish to learn an instrument or sing over and above what is taught in School and our clubs and cocurricular musical activities, performances and individual lessons are a direct response to that ever-increasing demand. I believe music should be a part of everyone’s life, and that children should be given every opportunity to experience and engage with it; the benefits are vast and support children’s learning in so many ways.”

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