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Prep: Academic Life

Our curriculum is designed to be exciting and challenging to all pupils. Closely linked to the National Curriculum at its core, students study English, Mathematics, Science and ICT, although we have the flexibility to ensure children develop a love of learning and a genuine enthusiasm for a rich variety of subjects.

Nurturing well-rounded individuals

While putting Numeracy and Literacy at the heart of our learning programme and encouraging a love of learning, we also recognise that children thrive academically when work in the classroom is balanced by a broad range of challenges outside it. Success both inside and outside of the classroom is vital in making children feel secure and happy.

Art, Music, Sport, Drama, Forest School and our wide range of clubs and activities play an important part in the children’s all-round education. Students at Woodbridge Prep also continue to learn Spanish and Food, Health and Nutrition in Years 3 and 4, and Engineering from Year 3. In addition to this, Year 3 students learn a string instrument (violin, viola, ‘cello, mini bass) for the year as part of the Music curriculum.

Smaller classes for better learning

Small class sizes play an important role in a child’s education, allowing for greater interaction with children who are more easily able to receive individual attention. Students are challenged within the classroom – teachers have a high expectation of academic standards and encourage the children to be the best they can be.

We realise that we are preparing the children for life beyond school therefore ensure that key skills are embedded within the children’s learning. From Reception and beyond we ensure there are opportunities to enhance and expand the children’s capacity to learn. Developing transferable learning skills prepares children for a lifetime of learning. As the children progress through the Prep they develop and extend their meta-cognitive understanding of ‘how’ they learn. By building up a coherent picture of what it takes to be a good learner, our children are able to develop their learning character and habits, as well as their desire and ability to learn in different ways.

Mutual trust and respect

Great care is taken to nurture the mutual trust and respect that forms between students and the teachers. Parental involvement is also key to building positive attitudes to learning, and we invite parents into School to attend parents’ meetings, L@W sessions, concerts, exhibitions, grandparents’ day, Sports Day, CLICKBIZ and Drama showcases to name but a few.

Form teachers and staff are always available at the end of the School day for an informal talk or parents are welcome to contact the appropriate member of staff at any time to arrange a formal meeting.

Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM)

Woodbridge School Prep has achieved the PSQM confirming our commitment to excellence in science teaching and learning at School. The only national award scheme to develop and celebrate the quality of science teaching and learning in primary schools. Our curriculum reflects the emphasis placed on the importance of development, in innovation, creativity, and analytical skills, and individual student feedback helps us to steer children towards their next step – and never more so than in our science subjects.

Since its launch in 2010, only 5,000 schools across the UK have achieved this prestigious award, led by the University of Hertfordshire, in collaboration with the Primary Science Teaching Trust. A school improvement programme for primary science, which provides professional development for new and experienced subject leaders each year, PSQM enables confident, knowledgeable, reflective leadership which results in an improvement in the way in which science is planned and taught across the whole School.

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