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Old Woodbridgians

Woodbridge students all develop the same strong bond with the School, and with each other. Our fondness for the grounds, buildings and people will stay with us forever, and it’s always a pleasure to see old friends, help current students and support the School. With over 4,500 members, the Old Woodbridgians network helps us all to stay in touch no matter where our paths take us.


The OW Liaison Group organises a variety of social, sporting and careers-based events to not only bring Old Woodbridgians together but also to share knowledge and advice with current students.

The President and Liaison Group

The current Liaison Group comprises Old Woodbridgians past and present working either on a voluntary basis or as part of the School staff. The Group also includes the Alumni Officer and the Head.

How we stay in touch

Our community of Old Woodbridgians is now around 4,500 strong. For many, childhood years spent at Woodbridge School have resulted in enduring fond memories, and friendships that have lasted decades. The purpose of the OW School Liaison Group is to foster these memories and friendships and to continue to enrich them by creating opportunities for sharing memories, bringing old friends together again and by providing the link back to the School.

The Liaison Group uses the OW Network and social media, in tandem with traditional channels, to keep the OW community informed of events and news, and to allow more interactive communication.


The OW Society possesses a rich archive of stories, pictures and information about life at Woodbridge School from across the decades. Students today are keeping our community’s heritage very much alive.

How did the Old Woodbridgians Society come about?

The Old Woodbridgian Society began on a formal basis in the early part of the 20th century, with the earliest record of the first President being in the school magazine, ‘The Woodbridgian,’ printed in 1911. The aim of the Society was to provide opportunities for former students to stay in touch after they had left school.

More recently, the Old Woodbridgian Society has been operated independently from the School with a great deal of success by our past presidents, such as Ken Bailey and David Houchell, as well as those that filled officer posts on the committee. With years of driven support from their Registrar, Michael Weaver, their collective leadership saw the annual OW Dinner and annual Old Woodbridgian Magazine thrive, living up to their motto of ‘Bringing Old Woodbridgians Together’.

Today we are in a different era; one where people are much better connected, with instant messaging and social networking. With most of us already linked up through one or two degrees of separation, we don’t really need to continue ‘Bringing Old Woodbridgians Together’ any more. Instead we are focusing on ‘Keeping Woodbridgians Together’.

Any queries?

Looking for any information not covered here?

Email: alumni@seckford-foundation.org.uk
Tel: 01394 615177