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School Fees

Considering sending your child to Woodbridge School? Here, you’ll find an easy reference guide to our termly and annual fees for the 2024-2025 academic year.

For the academic year 2024-2025

The table below details our fees for the 2024-25 academic year.  Our fees include the following:

  • All academic tuition
  • All lunches for day pupils and all meals for boarders
  • Homework clubs until 4.30pm for the Pre-Prep and 5pm for the Prep and Supervised Study for the Senior School until 5pm
  • All whole year and curriculum trips and activities
  • Use of textbooks **
  • Incidental costs for Art and Design subjects
  • The majority of the co-curricular activities programme ***
  • Welcome Week for boarders and induction days for day students
  • Membership of the ‘Old Woodbridgians’ for the Senior School only
  • Personal Accident insurance (Group Policy) ****
  • Travel Insurance covering most school trips ****

The fees are reviewed on an annual basis and parents are notified of any increase during the Trinity term.

All of the fees and supplemental charges are exclusive of any taxes, which will be added (where applicable).

Per Term Annum
Pre-Prep Reception £4,240 £12,720
Years 1-2 £4,523 £13,569


Per Term Annum
Prep School Years 3-4 £5,159 £15,477
Years 5-6 £5,866 £17,598


Per Term Annum
Senior School Day: Years 7-8 £6,638 £19,914
Day: Years 9-13 £7,185 £21,555


Per Term Annum
Boarding Full Boarding Years 7-8 £12,185 £36,555
Full Boarding Years 9-13 £13,315 £39,945
Weekly Boarding (4 Nights) Years 7-8 £10,325 £30,975
Weekly Boarding (4 Nights) Years 9-13 £11,223 £33,669

External examination costs

External examination fees (including music and LAMDA examinations) are not included in the fees above, and will be billed in addition at the prevailing rate.

Additional activity fees:

Subject Per Term Per Annum
Individual Lessons £315 £945
Shared Lessons £204 £612
Individual Lessons £315 £945
Shared Lessons £204 £612
Individual Lessons £315 £945
Shared Lessons £204 £612
Sports Leadership £30 £90
CCF Subscription £25 £75


** A charge will be made at the end of the academic year for any non-returned books  or sports kit at their full replacement cost.
*** Certain activities in particular those off site or where an external coach is present may incur an extra charge, where this is the case parents will be notified in advance of the charges applicable.
**** Further details of these policies are obtainable from the School Office

Other fees

Registration fees:

Day and Boarding students: £100 per child

Note: Registration fees are paid here, when registering for a place.

Acceptance deposit:

Day Pupils and Weekly Boarders: £500
Full Boarding (UK and EU resident): £1000
Full Boarding (Non UK or Non EU resident): £13,315


Working with Forces families

We understand that both parents and children are looking for a school that can offer them a place to learn and live, where they can put down roots and become part of a community. We have a long history of supporting students from forces families to excel and we provide a vibrant and friendly living environment, coupled with an excellent education. Woodbridge School offers a 10% discount to our Forces families, where a student is boarding full time and the family are in receipt of Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA).


Payment of fees

There are two ways to pay fees for the School:

Direct debit

Our preferred method of payment is by direct debit from a UK bank account. This is a simple and convenient way of paying school fees. You will still receive a termly bill as normal prior to the collection date which will provide details of the amounts due.

We offer two direct debit payment options for fees:

  • Termly direct debit – where the fees for each term are collected in full on or shortly after the first day of each term
  • Monthly direct debit – where each term’s fees are collected over three equal monthly instalments. The collection dates are:
    • Michaelmas term – on or after the first of September, October and November
    • Lent term – on or after the first of January, February and March
    • Trinity term – on or after the first of April, May and June

Any extras on the fee bill will be collected by direct debit termly on or after the first day of the next term.

To set up a Direct Debit payment arrangement, please complete the direct debit mandate and covering letter and return these to the Income and Fees Administrator at the address below.

Bank transfers or cheques

If you wish to pay by bank transfer or cheque, payment must be received in cleared funds on or before the start of each term.

The bank details for payment are included on your fee bill or can be obtained from the Income and Fees Administrator. Please ensure the pupil’s name and reference number are included in the payment reference. Cheques should be addressed to Woodbridge School for the attention of the Income and Fees Administrator.

Please note that we do not accept cash as payment for fees.

Fees in advance scheme

The School operates a fees in advance scheme whereby a lump sum payment can be made to cover future fees. Where fees are paid in advance for at least two years, a discount is provided which is free of tax.  For further details and to request a personalised illustration please contact Simon Stafford, Director of Finance, on SStafford@seckford-foundation.org.uk

International payments

For international payments, our preferred method of payment is by using Flywire. Flywire allows you to pay from almost any country and any bank. They also offer excellent foreign exchange rates, allowing you to pay in your home currency (in most cases) and save money, compared to traditional banks.

Pay international fees

Alternatively, payments can be made by bank transfer as above. Please ensure the pupil’s name and reference number are included in the payment reference.

Queries and downloads

For all queries or correspondence on fees, please contact Martin Champion (Income & Fees Administrator). If you do anticipate any difficulties in meeting payments please contact Martin as soon as possible. We prefer to hear early on about any potential issues, and will always deal with your case with complete confidentiality.

Martin Champion (Income & Fees Administrator)
Tel: +44 (0)1394 615 089


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