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Year 8 Visit Adastral Park for British Science Week Showcase

13 Mar 19

Sophie reports:

On the sunny morning of Wednesday 13 March, the Year 8s went on an amazing trip to BT Adastral Park in Martlesham as part of British Science Week.

After introductions and a brief safety talk we were straight off to the Innovation Centre, where companies owned by BT had setup a small mock shop to demonstrate futuristic technology and examples of electronics and wiring in everyday life. We visited a bank with a hologram for a worker; we went to BT Pulse where we met Double, a mobile iPad on wheels which allows workers across the world to be in the same room and work together; and we learnt how drones are currently being used and what businesses are having to consider in terms of security and flight space. It was fascinating to find out about the products and systems that already make jobs easier, as well as those we can expect to see soon in stores, hospitals and more!

After the tour we headed back to the main hall to explore a huge variety of exhibits. Opportunities abounded, from Space Race challenges, to the Adastral Park’s Ambulance Team’s heart rate machine! I had a go on quite a few of the wonderful exhibits, but my favourites were the Explorer Robots, where you had the chance to program the Bee Bots to complete a challenging course. I also loved the Learning in 360 Degrees exhibit, and wearing the Virtual Reality headsets to see around a virtual workplace – it was a lot of fun, even if I did come out feeling a little dizzy! There was something for everyone.

Then it was back to the main hall for the presentations. Loads of people from Woodbridge School won prizes for taking part in the various activities, including a first place for ‘The Lears’ team who managed to reach the Sun in the Space Race. Sadly, and all too soon, it was time to say goodbye and head back to the buses after a lovely, inspiring morning at Adastral Park. The staff were helpful and kind and were always suggesting great activities for us to take part in. It was a great trip and a fantastic way to celebrate British Science Week! Thank you to Mrs Calver and the teachers who took us on this trip! I really enjoyed it!

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