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Year 6 Stepping Into Business

15 May 17

Since returning to school after the Easter holidays, Year 6 have been working tirelessly on their ‘Stepping Into Business’ enterprise project. It began with an inspiration talk from a group of business savvy Year 6 parents, who have kindly assumed the role of our Business Angels. This gave the pupils the motivation and enthusiasm to begin the process of independently creating their own mini-businesses. The children completed a series of workshops – on topics such as innovation, marketing and finance – before preparing a pitch to present their ideas back to the parent panel in a Dragons’ Den style presentation. The pitches were a fantastic testament to the children’s hard work and newly acquired business skills. All the pitches were sufficiently impressive enough to receive an investment from the Business Angels and so the next couple of weeks will see the children producing and marketing their products, putting into practice the fantastic advice given by the Business Angels.

A huge thank you to our Business Angels  – Bryan Laxton, Paul Field, Bee Kemball, Melanie Welsh, Michael Barrington-Hibbert  and Camille and Nick Glendinning – for their invaluable input into the project so far.

We look forward to welcoming all parents and their families to our Stepping Into Business Market Day on Thursday 25 May at 3.50pm. Bring lots of change as the Year 6 children are sure to sell you something!

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