17 members of our Army cadets from Years 9, 10 and 12, attended summer camp last week, staying at Longmoor Training Camp in Hampshire for a week.
The week was filled with a range of training exercises which began on the first day when the cadets deployed into the field for the fieldcraft package. Here they carried out platoon harbour drills, section attacks, wood clearance operations and a reconnaissance patrol.

Next came the close quarter battle paintball package – this wasn’t the usual paintball game but a full day learning and then rehearsing all the drills required to conduct a night time building assault. The cadets used guns with laser pointers and torches attached, and all wore full body armour.

Wednesday saw cadets enjoy a range day, engaging targets at various ranges using the cadet rifle and live ammunition – and exciting and exhilarating day for everyone.
Cadets enjoyed a cultural visit to Portsmouth later in the week, visiting the D-Day museum and even had the opportunity to walk around a landing craft that was used on the day. They also visited HMS Warrior and Victory, and the Mary Rose. Although this wasn’t what you might consider a typical Army summer camp day, it was incredibly interesting and the students had a great time.

On the last day of the summer camp it was time for the fieldcraft exercise test day. The cadets took part in an ambush, platoon attack and wood clearance and fired over 300 rounds of blank ammunition.
It was a really great week for everyone, thanks go to everyone who made it possible including Mr Garvie and Mr Capjon.