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Home > News and Events > YEAR 2’S ‘HEALTHY ME’ DAY
Healthy Me Day (1)


25 Feb 16

As part of Year 2’s topic ‘Healthy Me’ they had a fun filled and cross curricular day of science, cooking, PSHE and English.   They started the day learning all about the 5 food groups of the ‘Eatwell Plate’ and the importance of a balanced diet so they grow, keep healthy and are full of energy.  Following that, the children prepared a balanced meal of: vegetable couscous, chicken and salad wraps, cheese and cucumber sandwiches and fruit kebabs.  A banqueting table was set up in the classroom and the children ate their delicious lunch with gusto, everybody trying everything and lots of them asking for more.  The afternoon was spent writing up the recipes for each dish, remembering what they had learnt about instruction writing during the week.  An action packed day to remember, full of fun and learning!

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