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Year 12 Spend Time Discovering UEA

16 Feb 24

An impressive brutalist campus (complete with Antony Gormley sculptures) did not disappoint our Year 12 students earlier this week, as they embarked on a visit to explore one of our closest universities: The University of East Anglia. Visiting to see and experience life at university, the trip provided some real insight into higher education, and what life might be like beyond School.

The rich community and character of the university was shared in an engaging introduction to the life of students on the campus. Through the abundance of clubs and societies, 57 sports teams and close proximity to Norwich City centre we saw the unique unity at UEA, and it seemed as though there was something for everyone.

Although the finance talk that followed on the costs of university was equally informative and engaging, it was the small tour groups with enthusiastic student ambassadors that best showcased the friendly and passionate atmosphere within the university. Students were able to explore the entire university from the renowned Sainsbury’s centre to the campus accommodation; receiving a first-hand insight in to the diversity that the campus offers.

Home to an amazing Environmental Sciences department, and the first university to offer a Master’s in creative writing, the student ambassadors articulated the range of courses at UEA as well as answering a host of questions from Year 12, in the student forum panel.

Many thanks to everyone at UEA for inviting us to spend time on campus.

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