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Home > News and Events > Year 10 Design Skills Day

Year 10 Design Skills Day

26 May 23

Year 10 DT students spent a whole day in our design department earlier this week; learning and exploring a range of skills in order to prepare and arm them with a range of new skills and techniques for future projects. With Year 12 students dropping in to offer assistance and guidance, it was an eye-opener for many who left feeling informed and confident about future work.

Poppy, Year 10

The Year 10 DT skills day was very inspiring for me as a GCSE student. Throughout the course this year, I have experimented with a few materials but I feel that I haven’t pushed myself out of my comfort zone yet.

However, the skills day allowed me to explore a range of new techniques and equipment which has given me a fuller understanding of what is available to me in this subject, and which will enable me to produce my work with a greater level of independence and confidence. The day also enabled me to practice and make mistakes without any worry of the effect it would have on my coursework.

Overall, the DT skills day was very successful and enabled me to become a more confident DT student.

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