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Suffolk American Football Association Comes To Visit Woodbridge School

Suffolk American Football Association Comes To Visit

12 Oct 15

On Friday the Suffolk American Football Association descended upon Woodbridge School and spent the morning coaching our Sports Leaders a simplified version – Tag American Football.

The afternoon featured a mini tournament with 150 girls and boys in years 7 and 8 split into 16 teams, competing against each other. Sports Leaders were then spread across the teams and fields, so when combined with -five full time staff members and the SAFA staff, there was an excellent player to coach ratio.

The Leaders had only half an hour with their teams to teach them the rules, which they themselves had only learned a few hours earlier, so was vital they implemented the methods and approach learned from Matt and Alex to ensure the kids could make a fast start.

Matt said of the Sport Leaders, “I think the Sports Leaders did a brilliant job, and the tournament was a huge success. We were fortunate that we could move between the groups ensuring all 150 children were given the best introduction and explanation. Similar to the morning session, the use of a visual demonstration was widely used, walking through outcomes and game situations. Partnered with open ended questions fired back to the players, to test what they’d learned meant in half an hour they went from zero to creating their own plays between them…. I think we might have found a few budding NFL stars in the making!”

Great fun was had by all and this marks the start of a club which will begin after half term on Friday evenings.

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