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Stunning Athletics Success for Woodbridge as 3 out of 4 Teams Make it Through to Regional Finals of ESAA Track and Field Cup

12 May 17

3 out of 4 athletic teams make it to the A regional finals in the ESAA English Schools’ Track and Field Cup!!

Our junior (Years 7/8) and intermediate (Years 9/10) athletics teams went to compete in the ESAA English Schools’ Track and Field Cup at Bury St Edmunds on 11th May. Woodbridge School dominated the day. With ten schools competing on the Wednesday and the same number again on the Thursday competition was tough. Our best 13 girls and 15 boys in each group were selected for two events each, covering all the events between them. Distances and times gained points and the team scoring the most points qualify.

Our strong unbeaten junior girls’ team won with a total 346 points, exceeding the previous day’s winners RHS (309), thereby earning a place in the A regional finals as the top school. Olivia Buchanan was our top girl scoring 48 points, her javelin throw taking her off the scoring system! Emily Whyte was second top with 44 points from 800m and javelin. Bea Thomas next on 38, closely followed by Issy Eaton 37 and Ella Walker 36. Issy came second in her 100m race to the UK’s number two runner. Arianne Bilgen did well in high jump to win with 1.35m.

The intermediate girls also won, with 343 points, again exceeding previous day’s winners RHS (324), to take them to the A regional final as top qualifiers. Top scorer was Sophie Graham on 46 points from a javelin throw that took her off the scoring system, combined with her hurdles points. Next was Nell Pilkington (42) whose shot throw also took her off the points system and she also did the relay. Sarah Barker scored 35 points with a strong 1500m,  Maud Peel 31 and Victoria Burrows 30. Many thanks to Annie Yates, who stepped in to cover Amy Graham who was absent on the day, and pocketed a good number of points.

The Junior boys’ team also won scoring 342 points. Ipswich School had won the day before on 307 so again we finished first overall. Top scorer was John Hendry with 40; we are hoping to add detail to this report soon.


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