Huge congratulations and well done to everyone involved in last week’s performances of Romeo and Juliet, we do hope you managed to get tickets as it was a sell-out performance!
Treated to an intense and captivating performance, our audience watched students relay the all-time classic of Romeo and Juliet, albeit a wonderful adaptation. Set in the round to form the walls of Verona, The Seckford Theatre played host to yet another professional standard play from our multi-talented Sixth Form cast.
Right from the start the hard work of the rehearsals and training with Fight Director Isaac Fullbrook were clear to see as the classic Capulet vs Montague feud came to life with a teaser of the violence that was to follow.
Romeo (Year 12’s George) and Juliet (Year 12’s Esme) were instantly beguiled by each other during a contemporary dance scene under neon lights; this continued in silence, serving to intensify the focus on their instantaneous love. But of course, this was not to be an easy ride.
Even with Juliet’s nurse (Year 12’s Evelyn) and Friar Lawrence (Year 12’s Oliver) always on their side and keeping the lines of communication open, the love struck teenagers were doomed from the start. Their names did not fit.
The war between the families boiled over in an epic fight scene which brought the death of both Tybalt (Juliet’s cousin) and Mercutio (Romeo’s best friend) and which signalled the beginning of the end for this love story. A devasting misunderstanding of one potion to live and one potion to die, for never was there a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
Not forgetting the dedicated and hardworking production team behind the scenes making full use of our newly refurbished technical equipment and the pleasure of welcoming back OW Kathryn Clements as Choreographer. Congratulations to all on the fresh adaptation of this well-known tale, with moments of real wit to the tragic ending that the happy dagger brings, it was a truly brilliant evening.