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Primary Enrichment Continues at Woodbridge School – June 2024

27 Jun 24

Our Primary Enrichment workshops and events have continued in School, as children from a number of local schools visited our School under the supervision of our Assistant Head and Primary Enrichment Co-ordinator Miss Carretta, often with visitors and presenters from different parts of the education community. Not only does this provide a great opportunity for children to see and experience our School community, but for them to learn new skills in fun, enriching and interactive ways, learning through experience and enjoyment.

Under the supervision of our Assistant Head Academic and Primary Enrichment Co-ordinator Miss Carretta, workshops are tailored to those year groups attending, stimulating interest and curiosity in terms of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths (STEAM). 

Focusing on curriculum subjects our Primary Enrichment activities and workshops strengthen and broaden children’s knowledge and awareness of the world.

Our Team Maths Challenge for children from Year 5, saw children working together on problem solving and solution finding, in one of our new Primary Enrichment activities for brilliant mathematicians. Based on the UKMT group maths challenge for Years 8 to 9, children from different schools competed against one another, taking part in four rounds of puzzles against the clock, a quickfire speed round maths quiz, number crosswords and a group maths challenge – all hoping to take home the winners’ trophy! From using strategic decision making to maximise scoring opportunities and dividing labour to manage problem solving, to stamina and perseverance to solve multi-step puzzles and calculations the School Hall buzzed with all the brain activity. Children commented, “There is so much more maths to learn!”, “We needed to have communicated more effectively so that we didn’t have two of us solving the same question at the same time.” and “It was very challenging and I enjoyed it.” Everyone demonstrated a positive attitude, working extremely hard – well done to everyone, particularly our winners Gorseland Primary School.

Geography Field Studies had to be postponed due to poor weather and conditions, but when it did finally take place it’s fair to say all had an excellent time. Encouraged to ask questions about the world around them, and taught how to effectively gather data and present it visually to help find answers, over 30 children from Years 5 and 6 from St Mary’s Catholic Primary school joined us in School for this super workshop. Introducing children to the importance of setting good questions and/or hypothesis, they were shown how to use basic equipment to measure variables accurately, before attempting to do so themselves – very successfully! They also learned how to use technology to draw up findings and make conclusions. Eyke Primary School attended the same workshop back in May.

22 children from Years 5 and 6 at Worlingworth Primary School attended our CCF (Combined Cadet Force) enrichment event, another that had to be rescheduled due to the unpredictable weather May and June brought this year, but that was well worth the wait everyone agreed. They spent the day with our Contingent Commander for CCF at Woodbridge School, developing leadership powers through training that promoted responsibility, self-reliance, resourcefulness, endurance, perseverance and a sense of service. Taking part in a variety of outdoor activities, the afternoon included instruction and practice on our confidence course, including some paintball target shooting which you can imagine, the children loved!

Our Japanese and French Language workshops invited children from Year 6 at St Mary’s CofE Primary school to learn facts about the countries, language and culture. From learning about and producing Origami to singing in Japanese, the children thoroughly enjoyed the Japanese workshop. In French they celebrated la Terre – the Earth, looking at its beauty and what we can all do to ensure it remains ‘healthy’. Learning advice in French in terms of protecting the environment, children also talked about why Paris and the UN are central to us becoming more responsible citizens of Notre Terre.

Our LEGO workshop went on the road, visiting Bramfield Primary school where children from Years 3 and 4 had lots of fun whilst learning and creating designs. The workshop saw children become young engineers as they built a motorised car using the LEGO building system, to then enhance it using a gear system to power their car.

Investigating the links between physics and the construction of musical instruments, Dr Stephen Ashworth considered the act of hearing as well and demonstrated the nature of a sound wave to 200 children from Years 3 to 6 from our Prep, Woodbridge Primary, St Mary’s Primary, Melton Primary, Grundisburgh Primary and Birchwood Primary schools. The Science of Sound Show explored how sound is formed and some of the principles of musical instruments, some children stepping onto the stage with Dr Ashworth to demonstrate home-made instruments – it was great fun!

As our School year draws to a close we are developing our Primary Enrichment programme for the new academic year, and we look forward to welcoming local primary school teachers and children into School for various workshops and activities.

Thanks you to everyone who attended, to those who made the trips and activities, workshops and talks possible – including our own students who assisted in various ways. It’s been an incredible year for Primary Enrichment, and we’ve been delighted to share our School community with everyone.

For further information, visit Primary Enrichment, or contact Miss Carretta at primary_enrichment@woodbridgeschool.org.uk to discuss your school’s enquiry.

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