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Paris International MUN

5 Dec 17

Mary Godfrey and Chris Long report: The twelve Woodbridge School pupils with Mrs Shanahan and Dr Ruggiero, had a highly successful trip to the Paris International Model United Nations Conference. Whether it was Abi Crane in the Security council trying to solve the complex issue of achieving stability on the Korean peninsula, or Sam Kill and Callum Sycamore working together to pass clauses to solve the problem of rising rates of automation. The energy at this conference was truly unique with delegates from 23 different countries. It was so exciting to have the opportunity to meet and debate with like-minded individuals from such a diverse set of backgrounds, it was truly mind broadening meeting with people from Saudi Arabia and America and hearing their very different opinions on different global issues. In a world filled with nations intent on pursing further isolationism, it is truly inspiring that there were 600 pupils and numerous teachers from all over the world willing to give their time to ‘work toward the new world order’(which was the conferences aim).

All our delegates contributed brilliantly: whether it was Sophie Little and Daniella Elman debating the virtues of ecotourism, and sustainable development in developing countries or Mary Godfrey working her way through the complex issues surrounding medical intellectual property rights, and how to limit them and then the question of infrastructure’s effect on education (all three at their first conference) or the seasoned debaters Ben Weston and Josh Cole working toward a peaceful solution to the South China sea crisis. As a NATO country, France’s delegates were vital to the passing of constructive clauses, and delegates often found themselves being influential in their blocs. Venezuela were part of the Arab League and again found ways of using influential comments and working with France to better their clauses. In the general assembly, Josh Cole, as a delegate of France submitted and presented an amendment, to a resolution submitted by USA on climate change, and the entire delegation helped to form an alliance with many European countries. All of us learnt so much about international relations, debating and humanity from this conference and had a lot of fun doing so! As an added bonus Chris Long won Best Delegate of the Human Rights committee, for his work on redrafting the UNHDR. A total of 5 clauses submitted by our delegates were passed, so all in all a fantastic weekend, which has left all of us inspired to continue working toward a more equitable world.

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