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Our Boarders

20 Mar 20

Following on from my email dated 18 March 2020 I would like to provide an update. As you can appreciate, this is an ever changing process and I will let you know anything further as the situation develops.

Firstly, can I say how proud I have been of our boarding students. It has been an unsettling experience with everything going on around the world whilst our students have been far from their homes but the care and support offered by Mr and Mrs Pineo together with our teaching body has meant that each boarder has felt reassured.

Those boarding students who have stayed with UK guardians over the Easter holiday will be allowed to return to the boarding house for the start of the summer term on 20 April 2020  provided that they have not had to self isolate since 5 April 2020. As with the children of our key workers, they will be able to access our curriculum and day school whilst being part of the care we are offering to our key workers.

Those students who remain with their families overseas or in Great Britain will be able to continue to access our curriculum and teacher support via our remote learning programme.

As a school, we are awaiting further clarification about how our GCSEs and A Levels will be awarded and I shall be in touch with further information on this area in due course. Mr Simon Stafford, our Head of Finance, will also be in contact soon to clarify any queries there may be about fees.

I am keen to have our boarding family all back together again and look forward to being able to update you with more detail on when this will be. As mentioned, however, the situation is constantly evolving and changes may occur to the arrangements I have outlined here. I will be sure to update you as necessary.

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