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Oliver Juszt excels at HiPAC to make England U16 Boys’ training squad

3 Nov 16

Oliver Juszt of Year 10 is one step closer to achieving every sportsperson’s dream – representing your county. Oliver represented the Saxon Tigers U16 at the recent England Hockey HiPAC (High Performance Assessment Camp).  HiPAC is a residential three-day camp which forms part of the Junior Regional Performance Centre Tier 2 Activity.  Apart from being a wonderful experience and learning opportunity, Oliver also impressed the coaches and national selectors.

England Hockey recently announced the National Age Group Training Squads, and Oliver has been selected in the England Boys’ U16 squad.  Oliver is therefore one of 31 players who will now attend a series of training weekends, training days and NAGS Academy sessions.  The first of these will be a Training weekend on 12 – 13 November at Lilleshall National Sports Centre.  We wish Oliver the very best for this, and for the training and assessments which are to follow.  Meanwhile, many, many congratulations, Oliver, on what you have already achieved.

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