The National Schools Equestrian Association Hickstead Championships 2024 took place the first weekend of half term with some fantastic results for Woodbridge riders.
On the opening day of the championships, Woodbridge School Equestrian team had a very busy day competing in four events. First up was the 70cm Eventers Challenge and our team of Year 11’s Lois and Year 9’s Edie and Harry were up first, with Edie riding a clear round.

In the afternoon it was the turn of Year 6’s Tati, Year 8’s Grace, and Year 9’s Harry, who all rode clear rounds to finish in 7th position, winning their first bucket of the championships!

There was also a change of discipline in the afternoon, the county dressage championships taking place with our team of Year 8’s Grace, Year 9’s Edie, Year 11’s Lois, and Year 13’s Katie representing Suffolk. They rode very well to finish in 4th place, more buckets and rosettes awarded.

Last team of riders to compete that day was our 1m Eventers Challenge team of Year 9’s Zac and Year 11’s Eve, with Year 13’s Ada and Katie. They finished on a total of 12 faults, Katie going clear to finish in 6th position, yet more buckets!

After a very busy and competitive Saturday it was a calmer Sunday for our riders, with two teams in the 80cm Eventers Challenge. They were competing with 54 teams from all over the country.
First up was the team of Year 9’s Edie, Zac and Harry, with Year 11’s Lois, who finished in 20th on a team total of four faults with Zac finishing in 10th position as an individual.

Later on it was the turn of the second team of Year 6’s Tati, Year 9’s Grace and Harry, with Year 13’s Katie. They all had fantastic clear rounds close to the optimum time which meant they won overall and were crowned the NSEA Hickstead Championship winners of the 80 Eventers Challenge, with Harry finishing in individual 6th place.

After the weekend, there was still more to come, and so on Monday one more team of riders competed in the 90cm Eventers Challenge. Hoping to emulate the success of the 80cm team, alas it was not to be. The team did well though, finishing on a very commendable total of four faults in 14th position.
We also said a sad goodbye to Year 13’s Ada and Katie who have now finished School to take their exams, off to university next year; Ada having ridden for the School team from Year 4. They have both been great role models for our younger riders, super supportive and shared lots of tips and words of wisdom with the rest of the team.

Well done to all the Equestrian team who had a very busy, hardworking few days, and of course, a huge thank you to their super groom parents.