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MUN Inaugural Meeting

15 Sep 23

The inaugural meeting of the Model United Nations (MUN) club was held on Tuesday. The debate commenced with a notably ambitious resolution proposed by Year 13’s Kitt, representing the delegation of the Czech Republic.

The delegates engaged in a spirited discussion surrounding the resolution, which focused on utilising the United Nations infrastructure to provide financial support in the form of scholarships and bursaries for women residing in rural communities within Low-Income Developing Countries.

Furthermore, the resolution included a clause advocating for the prohibition of marriage for girls under the age of 16, taking into consideration various factors, including its adverse effects on women’s ability to pursue education over the long term.

The delegates from China, Afghanistan, the United Kingdom, and the United States all made substantial contributions to this sophisticated debate, enabling everyone present to delve into the crucial topics of gender equality and the right to education.

Model United Nations meetings take place every term-time Tuesday at 1.45pm in room T21. All students are encouraged and welcome to participate! For further information regarding MUN at Woodbridge School, please visit: woodbridgeschool.org.uk/co-curricular/model-united-nations/

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