On Sunday 26 and Monday 27 February, Year 8’s Maxim, Year 9’s Bea S and Jack, Year 11’s Martha, Skyla, Ewan, Ariana, Finley, Harry H, Bruce, Isobel, Amelie, Rose, Georgie and Bea MW, and Year 12’s James attended the MUN conference at Felsted School. Below is an overview from the conference, a combination of reports from students that attended.

MUN Overview
Across two days of MUN, students enjoyed engaging debates across topics ranging from the need to regulate cryptocurrency to addressing the issue of child labour around the globe. Below is an overview of what took place and who participated.
James and Skyla sat on the security council as the USA and Gabon respectively. Debate commenced in the security council with resolutions addressing food shortages in Africa.
In parallel, the Historic Security Council of December 1989 gave Ewan the opportunity to be immersed in talks concerning the political protests in China culminating in the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia.
Both of these councils contained a smaller number of delegates, making the MUN experience even more intense for them. They showed themselves to be highly experienced delegates, debating with rigour and understanding.
In the Economics and Social (EcoSoc) Committee Harry, Maxim and Bruce delegated the USA, Indonesia and Gabon respectively. Debates got off to a slow start at first but our three delegates quickly turned the pace around for the committee which led to a very productive first day of debates. All three delegates submitted resolutions on cryptocurrency and achieving energy security, with Harry’s forward thinking resolution on cryptocurrency being debated at length.
Bea, Rose and Amelie took up places on the Human Rights Committee tackling very prominent current issues from the Roe vs Wade debate to protest rights.
Jack embraced debate in the Space Committee (UNOOSA) looking for new ways to investigate space in the future. Jack made huge contribution to the debate, raising many points for discussion.
In the ecology and Environment committee we were represented by Martha as she discussed issues facing our planet such as deforestation and threats to the Arctic.
The Health Committee looked at issues which have populated newspaper headlines for the last few years: vaccines, and pandemic prevention. Georgie, Bea and Issy worked to solve these freshly awakened topics.
The Unicef Committee consisted of Ari and Finlay from Woodbridge. The two delegates, new to MUN, worked to find solutions to issues such as child labour and the right to education alerting delegates to issues that we so take for granted.
This idea of empathy continued through to the final few hours of the conference on Monday with a truly inspirational talk from Rob Saggs, CEO of Chess, his inspirational talk brought the issues that we discussed closer to home; discussing those without shelter in our local area.
Thanks go to Dr Ruggiero for making our participation possible. All that attended were truly left with the ‘MUN bug’ and craving further debate, inspired and with memories made at an incredible conference.