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Meet Orlando, Shakespeare On The Lawn

14 Jun 23

With tickets now on sale for this year’s Shakespeare On The Lawn, As You Like It, we recently met up with Orlando – Year 9’s Sam, to talk about how he feels rehearsals are going and what his hopes and aspirations are for the character.

Sam was rehearsing with his friends and fellow actors, with Miss Mayes’ expert direction; she spent time explaining and exploring the use of body language and voice projection to convey the scenes, how to engage and entice the audience.

With one or two props in place under the trees on the Chapel lawn where the production will take place in July, the young actors also talked through how to help their audience interpret what is happening in each scene, particularly what is being suggested but not spoken on stage.

Talking about how he felt to be given the part of Orlando Sam said,

“I was so pleased to get Orlando – but to be honest, I didn’t really mind which part I got, so long as I had a speaking role.”

He continued,

“I’ve had Shakespeare On The Lawn in my sights since Year 7 when I saw it for the first time, it’s something I’ve always wanted to do, so to have such a great character to play is brilliant!”

Talking about ongoing rehearsals he said,

“I love the rehearsals, I’m always excited to come along, it’s great fun and it’s making the prospect of performing even more exciting. If you asked me what was the perfect way to spend my lunchbreak I’d say doing this!”

Sam is taking Drama GCSE and hopes to go on to study at A level, something he recognises is a few years away, but none the less something he feels certain about – as he does the playwright,

“Shakespeare wrote such great stories and characters – all the lines and every bit of every play is important and interesting. I learn so much studying and performing Shakespeare – about him, about the plays and about myself.”

When asked what his main hope was for the performance, like any other young actor he said of course that he hoped he didn’t forget any of his lines! But watching the rehearsals today and seeing the preparation taking place, this year’s Shakespeare On The Lawn looks set to be as special as the many we have already seen here in School.

As You Like It will be performed on our Chapel lawn on 4 and 5 July and tickets can be found via the Seckford Theatre.

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