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Honor Bartlett Ski Championship News

23 Jan 17

Wow – what a Christmas Holidays.

My Ski training started on Saturday 10 December and I had the run up to Christmas training in Austria with Ambition Racing – my ski Team.

Training weeks mean early starts – normally 5am then breakfast at 5.30am, to be on the Mountain and ready to practice from 7am until 1pm. Then back to our team base for a pasta lunch and then off to the local Austrian school 2.30pm – 6.30pm with our tutors to keep up to date with school work and homework, then back to base for supper and ski preparation ready for the next morning. Not exactly a holiday but good fun as well as being hard work.

This routine continued after Christmas – I felt like I was the only person in school on 28 December, as it is not possible to fit in school work on days where we are racing, all non-racing week days are school days.

My first competitions as a fully fledged member of the team were VERY exciting. I couldn’t wait to see if all the training I have done since last May was going to make a difference.

On 6-8 January the Ambition Championships took place in in Hinterreit, about 15 minutes from our training base. I won three silver medals and a bronze – I was thrilled, especially as I was the fastest English girl. On 10-11 January the first Evolution Speed Championships took place. The location, Reiteralm, was about an hour and a half away from base, so very early starts. I was thrilled to win first place in the British Giant Slalom U12, and second in the International competition.

I am back in England until Saturday 21 January I have to work on my fitness, training every morning before school to keep my legs and knees strong and keep improving my core and cardio fitness. Then back to the slopes in Switzerland for three days of training before the next races.

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