Gecko is an internationally acclaimed physical theatre company, founded in 2001. This week Year 12 drama students took part in a workshop managed and delivered by the award-winning company, exploring techniques, processes and performance. Ellie took part in the workshop and reported on not only the activities but the importance in relation to the year group’s A level studies.
Ellie’s report:
On Tuesday afternoon, Year 12 drama students left the ordinary behind in a workshop with Helen from Gecko theatre company. In a three-hour blur of movement and music, we explored devised theatre through combining playfulness with creativity to make performances which pushed the boundaries of ‘pedestrian’ expectations.

We intertwined games and exercises with periodic group reflection, something which created an atmosphere of inclusivity and freedom. Being midway through our own A Level devised pieces, this workshop came at a perfect time, both in expanding our technical skills, and personally inspiring and motivating us to create extraordinary work.