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Enterprise Day 2024 – Ride Innovators: Design, Thrill, Pitch!

28 Jun 24

Equipping our students to excel academically, while preparing them for modern working life and the skills they’ll need to flourish in a continually evolving workplace, our Enterprise Day took place at School this week for Year 9 students.

Given the brief to conceive, design and create prototypes for a thrilling ride for Theme Park Woodbridge School, our students split into groups to collaborate and work together, ultimately submitting a proposal to increase footfall to the imaginary theme park. Challenged to incorporate sustainability in terms of materials and energy sources, they were also reminded to consider safety.

They set about bringing their ideas to life, attending different skills workshops for: safety and design, branding and marketing, creating a prototype ride, creating a presentation and pitch to deliver to business ‘Dragons’ and also for sustainability.

Signing up for sessions, students moved around the skills workshops throughout the morning. Commenting on what they’ve been working on, Honor said,

“We’ve created our logo, making sure it’s in line with our thoughts for the ride, especially the sustainability element. The ride is going to start high with a big drop, so not much energy is needed for that part of the ride. The rollercoaster will travel through an Amazon rainforest and a lazy river!”

Will added,

“We’re suggesting recycled steel for the frame and the ride will mostly be up high – that means we can have lots of green space underneath which can be filled with plants to encourage biodiversity. We’re also suggesting solar panels for energy to power the ride.”

Ahead of presenting their ideas and pitches to our ‘Dragons’, students used their time wisely, creating prototypes, at times learning through trial and error – all part of the process!

Miss Norman commented,

“Year 9 were brilliant in their approach and attitude to Enterprise Day. Inquisitive, enthusiastic and collaborative, every group impressed the Dragons with their outlook.”

Congratulations to our winning team of Olivia, Edie, Eve, Laurynas and Chloe whose concept was rated the mostly likely to work. ‘The Black Hole’ included a number of sensory ideas such as a mission control themed area to queue in and tunnels filled with light displays. In terms of sustainability the ride would feature recycled steel and solar panels, and the team suggested a partnership with green energy companies.

Our winning team were presented with tickets for Pleasurewood Hills by Andrew Fuller, as well as being offered the opportunity of work experience at Ben Askins’ marketing agency in London.

Using their own initiative, inspiring one another and learning a multitude of new skills including how to present and pitch, students have had a great day and certainly made the most of the opportunities today.

L-R – Tom Petley – Co-Founder, Gaia (OW), Andrew Fuller – Sales and Marketing Manager, Pleasurewood Hills, Ben Askins – Co-Founder, Gaia (OW), Shona Norman – Head, Woodbridge School
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