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Drama Theatre Trip to see ‘People, Places and Things’

28 Jun 24

Last Friday Year 12 Drama students travelled to London to watch People, Places and Things at the Trafalgar Theatre. You can hear more about it in our report from Drama Prefect Amelia.

Amelia, Year 12

Last Friday, we had the privilege of watching People, Places and Things at the Trafalgar Theatre in London.

Directed by Jeremy Herrin and written by Duncan Macmillan, this production was an intense and captivating exploration of addiction and recovery.

Denise Gough’s performance as Emma was extraordinary, portraying the harrowing journey with raw emotion and authenticity. The set design and lighting effectively immersed us in Emma’s chaotic world, allowing her struggles to be deeply felt by the audience.

This play was inspirational because it highlighted the complexity of addiction and the difficult path to recovery, reminding us of the strength and resilience required to overcome personal demons. It was a powerful reminder of the human capacity for change and the importance of empathy and support.

Reflecting on our year of theatre trips, this experience was a fitting conclusion to a terrific year. Watching professional theatre has been an invaluable part of our A level studies, enriching our understanding and inspiring us to aspire to such levels of excellence in our own performances.

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