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4 May 16


Two bakers’ dozen of wonderful fare: no two compositions at all alike even though many shared the examiners’ initial demands.  This really was an exceptional evening: as Mr Penny said at the close ‘one of the best in memory’, and also one that benefited considerably from the skill and support of peers happy to play for each other and alongside each other.  Solos, duets, trios, quartets, quintets… and so on up to a full orchestra (this one admittedly played by Sibelius, the software that facilitates the practicalities, though not the inspiration, behind composition).  Woodwind and brass, keyboard and guitar, voice and violin, drums and dissonance; jazz, classical, ballad, minimalist and maximal, modern and traditional… Tremendous.

Many congratulations to all, under the sympathetic and expert guidance of Mr Milton, for producing such a fine evening’s entertainment, whether composers, performers or (usually) both: Gabriella, Georgia, Felix, Grace, Theo, Madeline, Harrison, Isabella, Michael, Joseph, William, Francis, Eloise and Harrison; and helping them perform: Freeman, Charlie, Oscar, Rhiannon, Sid, Chris, Bethany and Gabriella.

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