Over the last few weeks, students have had a variety of opportunities to meet and hear from people with varying careers advice.
Last week, Megan Foxton from Barclays delivered an interactive session on CV writing and interview skills for Year 12 students. Providing a fantastic learning opportunity, she shared tips and information relating to not only what to include, but what potential employers are looking for when it comes to CVs. Speaking about the presentation of information, including layout, style etc, it was especially informative, as some of our students might already be thinking about holiday work!

OW Benjamin Weston was in School earlier this week, talking to students across a range of year groups, about alternatives to university. Having travelled after A levels, rather than attend university, Ben is now living in Mongolia, teaching English, and running a travel business (absolutenomads.com) which provides tours to Mongolia, and surrounding countries. He spoke about working in travel and tourism and international relations, as well as the success of running his own YouTube channel, and how he will soon be embarking on a two-week cycle across the breadth of Mongolia to raise funds for charity (Instagram: @cycle.mongolia).

Meanwhile Letz Live came in to speak to year 12 students about Gap year options and opportunities available in Australia, New Zealand and Thailand. Letz Live also offer working holidays in the US, giving another idea for what students could do if they want a break after A levels. Students also had the opportunity to ask questions from our own gap students, who are currently with us from Australia.

Obviously, careers is a hot topic in School for lots of our students, so we want to make sure you have saved the date for the Careers Fair which takes place in School on Saturday 8 March! Open to everyone and free to attend, it’s the perfect opportunity to see, meet and talk to a host of different people, organisations and industries about possible future careers and pathways after school. Find out more: woodbridgeschool.org.uk/events/careers-fair/