With rehearsals in full swing, we’re a little over three weeks from the first performance of Grease at Woodbridge – and there’s still plenty to do as you can imagine.

But you might be surprised to know what it really takes, what is needed and what goes into putting on a whole School production like Grease, because most of us only ever see the finished product – the performance.
What does it take to put something like this together? How many people are involved? How much time, commitment and hard work is needed? How many props are needed? How many hours are used rehearsing? How many people are needed backstage? How many musicians are involved?
Putting on a performance of this size and quality is no mean feat, and absolutely every minute spent rehearsing and every person involved works tirelessly to make sure that the audience has a fabulous time.
But as teachers at Woodbridge it’s also our job to ensure that the students involved in the production are not only enjoying themselves too, but learning and applying new skills which enable them to develop their knowledge and understanding of acting, performing, supporting, organising and participating in a production. Seven months of rehearsals will go into Grease, beginning last September and finishing literally the night before the first performance.
From collaboration to commitment, it’s all there at each and every rehearsal, in each and every person taking part – and we’re not just talking about the actors on stage; behind the scenes (pardon the pun!) there’s an army of technicians, dress makers, assistants, musicians and many more people without whom, the show really couldn’t go on.

There are so many facts and figures we could share with you about Grease, but for now enjoy and consider these!
- More than 150 people are involved in the production of Grease – on stage, in the band and behind the scenes.
- Over 200 hours of rehearsals will go into performing Grease, that’s over 12,000 minutes!
- Over 150 meters of wood has been used in the construction of the bleachers – the tiered seating – used in the show.
- A total of 19 songs are performed in the show, we bet you know the words to all of them so make sure you sing along on closing night!
- Over 1,200 lines are learned, rehearsed and delivered in the performance.
- 24 radio mics and over 250m of DMX light cable are needed for the show.
- The set takes three weeks to construct (and three days to break down!)