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Music Taster Week

17 Sep 21

Instrumental Taster Week

Next week, from Monday 20th to Thursday 24th September, is instrumental taster week in the senior school for Years 7 to 13.  Providing the chance for students to see, feel and play instruments to see if they would enjoy learning it, there is no need to book in advance (although places will be awarded on a first come, first served basis should this be over-subscribed), and the taster sessions are free to all who would like to attend and there is no need to book in advance. 

All instruments and materials, such as reeds etc., will be provided, with Covid procedures in place ensuring no instruments or resources are shared.

Any questions at all should be directed to our Music Administrator Mrs Sharon Stafford on music@woodbridgeschool.org.uk.

You can download the timetable here

Scholars and Keen Musicians Evening 

The first in our music scholars support programme takes place this Thursday 23rd September, from 5.00pm until 7.30pm (parents can attend from 5.45pm).  Designed to support music scholars and other keen musicians to reach their potential and support extended learning, the evening will offer a range of practical activities, discussions and information.

Working in small hand-picked chamber groups on the sight-reading and rehearsal challenge, students will develop leadership, analytical and aural skills, fostering team work as well as independence.

A presentation will take place, as well as a discussion on the somewhat thorny issue of ‘Why Practise?’, which should certainly help enliven and inspire students to take control and charge of their own learning journeys, as well as impart a few top tips.  An absolute must for all music scholars, as well as anyone else who takes their music seriously.

Although intended as a parent and student evening, students may still attend unaccompanied.  Places do need to be booked, please contact our Music Administrator Mrs Sharon Stafford by email on music@woodbridgeschool.org.uk, by 5.00pm on Monday 20th September.

The evening will culminate with a performance from the students; with tea being provided for those taking part.  Parents are invited to join us in the School Hall between 6.30 and 8.30pm for this performance, and are invited for drinks and refreshments.

You can find out more here.

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