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Year 11 Students Celebrate Outstanding GCSE Results

21 Aug 20

GCSE students at Woodbridge School are celebrating their outstanding results on 20th August 2020. Out of 102 GCSE students in total, 68% achieved grades 9-7 (formerly A/A* grades).

Grade 9 was the most common grade of all, with more than a quarter being awarded at this level. More than 95% of all grades were ‘strong passes’ – grades 5 or better.

Shona Norman, Head of Woodbridge School, said:

“I have complete admiration for our Year 11 pupils and these exceptional GCSE results, which are proof of all their hard work and dedication in the face of the considerable challenges of recent months.

At Woodbridge School, we are an exceptionally close community, and our emphasis has been on supporting our young people during these very difficult times, helping to bring out the best in each and every one of them. We have 102 students in our year group and they have all really excelled, not just achieving great results, but also combining this with strong personal development.

Exam grades are important, but the ability to show integrity, kindness to others and to demonstrate creative adaptability – something that our Woodbridgians excel at – is another thing altogether. 

I would like to commend our students and staff for working so closely together during all the recent uncertainty and wish them many congratulations on their outstanding success.”

Student success stories

Today is a very special day for Woodbridge School student Molly, 16, who is celebrating achieving an incredible 11 GCSEs at the highest grade, 9. Molly studied Maths, English Language, English Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, French and Spanish, and Statistics in Year 10.

Molly, who lives in Woodbridge, started in reception class at The Prep at the age of 4, and has seen most of her year group follow her throughout the School. Molly’s younger brother, Dexter, is just about to start in Year 4 at The Prep, and her parents were also at Woodbridge School.

Out of her 11 GCSEs, Molly thoroughly enjoyed Maths, being different to the other subjects, utilising her analytical and problem-solving skills. Molly will be entering Sixth Form at Woodbridge with the majority of her year group and is very excited to be studying Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and History. Molly would definitely like to progress through to university, possibly to study either Maths or History – two very different subjects that she enjoys equally.     

As well as being an academic high-achiever, Molly also excels at hockey, playing in mid-field. “I think that it is really important to balance work with other activities, otherwise it is easy to burn yourself out”, she said. “The School is excellent at helping me to fit my hockey around my studies. I also enjoy cross-country running and I am a member of the Running Club, so it is good to have support in prioritising my studies and outside activities.”     

Molly enjoys hockey because it is different to the rest of school, and she is the top goal scorer in her ladies’ hockey club. Molly has also been scouted to be part of the prestigious England U17 Hockey Performance Centre, and would like to continue her hockey at university, and may even consider a professional career, if she is able to meet the required standard.   

During lockdown, aside from her online school studies, Molly has kept herself busy taking part in a community project – ‘Life Story Quest’ – with her grandparents. The project helps friends and families connect in challenging times, and Molly wrote emails to families to encourage them to talk to grandparents and neighbours, with the aim of looking out for each other. 

Speaking about her school experience in this challenging year, Molly said:

“The School has been so supportive, and the online learning has been a great resource, as well as helping me to keep in touch with my year group”.

“I am thrilled to have got these grades and excited to be starting Sixth Form at Woodbridge with all my friends. It has been a very strange year!”

Meanwhile, 16-year-old twins Tom and Charlie from Woodbridge are celebrating their GCSE success. Tom achieved five grade 9s in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths and Drama, as well as three grade 8s in History, Business and Spanish, and grade 7s in English Language and English Literature.

His twin brother Charlie achieved six grade 9s in Biology, Business, English Language, French, Physics and Spanish, along with grade 8s in Maths and Academic PE, and grade 7s in Chemistry and English Literature.

The brothers have both been at the School since Year 2, and enjoy the sense of community that it offers. “We have been here for a decade now, and there is a really warm and friendly atmosphere from the moment that you walk in”, says Charlie.

Both Tom and Charlie intend to study Economics in the Sixth Year, and would both like to go onto university. Tom, who enjoys Drama the most and takes part in a lot of school productions and LAMDA activities, would like to become a TV presenter or journalist. “I do get nervous when I perform, but it is worth it and I really enjoy the buzz”, says Tom. Charlie – a keen linguist and communicator – is interested in International Relations, possibly moving into the Diplomatic service.

As well as being exceptional academics, the twins are passionate cross-country runners, and are members of the School Running Club. Charlie will also be representing England and Woodbridge School in the 2020 World Cross-Country Championships in November.

“Training really helps me and your studies benefit when you are doing physical exercise”, says Charlie. “It clears your head and helps you to step away from your work.”  

Asked how they feel about their grades, Charlie is surprised at his achievements. “I was very surprised. I had no idea how I would do, especially not after such a difficult year. But I am ecstatic!”

Tom, on the other hand, was rather more prepared for what to expect. “I knew within reason how I had done in most subjects. I am really pleased.”

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