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Visit to The Bridge School

10 Nov 23

Visiting The Bridge School in Camden last week, 14 Sixth Form students spent two days helping out as classroom assistants in the school which specialises in teaching students with severe learning difficulties who cannot access mainstream schools. Our students helped out in both the primary and secondary school, and Year 13’s Isla shares her experience in her report below.

The Bridge School trip was a fascinating and eye-opening experience. We were all given the choice of being with a secondary school class or a primary school class and were encouraged to get involved in lessons, alongside the teachers and teaching assistants, helping with a variety of tasks.
Some of us helped with activities such as cooking and dancing, whilst others assisted with things like life skills or sensory activities; my personal favourite was bubble making.

We had opportunities to get to know both the staff and the pupils and to see the incredible work that goes into places like the Bridge School.
What really inspired me about the school was the attitude of total support and care; each development the pupils made was noted and celebrated.
It was wonderful to be surrounded by such uplifting people, working to support such a diverse range of needs and abilities.

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