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Ultra Curricular

Ultra Curricular

2 Jul 15

Ultra Curricular

  • Go to watch high quality theatre as often as possible. We would highly recommend the following theatres:
    • The Barbican (London)
    • The National Theatre (London)
    • The Old and Young Vic (London)
    • Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre (London)
    • Battersea Arts Centre (London)
    • Lyric Hammersmith (London)
    • Theatre Royal Haymarket (London)
    • The Theatre Royal (Bury St. Edmunds)
    • The New Wolsey Theatre (Ipswich)
    • The Mercury Theatre (Colchester)
    • Cambridge Arts Centre (Cambridge)

Many theatres offer discount rates for students and some support the ‘Pay what you can’ initiative, so it is well worth making enquires about discounted rates available.
It would also be extremely beneficial to attend workshops and ‘talk-backs’ so always enquire about the extra opportunities that are on offer when booking your tickets.

  • Wider reading is always extremely beneficial in developing your subject knowledge. We would suggest the following texts:
    • ‘The Theatre and its Double’- Antonin Artaud
    • ‘Brecht on Theatre’- Bertolt Brecht
    • ‘An Actor Prepares’- Constantin Stanislavski
    • ‘The Empty Space’- Peter Brook
    • ‘Towards a Poor Theatre’- Jerzy Grotowski
    • ‘Poetics’- Aristotle
    • ‘Complicite- Rehearsal Notes’- Complicite
    • ‘The Frantic Assembly Book of Devising Theatre’- Frantic Assembly
    • ‘Commedia dell’Arte- An Actor’s Handbook’- John Rudlin
    • ‘A Doll’s House- York Notes Advanced’- York Notes
  • We would recommend that you take advantage of ‘National Theatre Live’, which broadcasts live theatre to cinemas around the world. Many local cinemas are involved in this scheme.
  • Subscribe and watch the ‘Sky Arts’ channel.
  • Make the most of our new ‘Digital Theatre’ package. Try to log-on every month and watch at least one new performance and take time to peruse the fantastic added extras. Take time to then review the show using either the drama forum page on Fronter or in your drama journals. Make sure you talk to Gemma (gmayes@woodbridgeschool.org.uk) or Johnny (jwilliams@woodbridgeschool.org.uk) about what you have seen as we love to hear your views about what you watch!
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