Seven students from Years 8 to 13 competed at Suffolk Chorister Competition last weekend on Saturday 12 March at St Mary-Le-Tower. Not only was it a wonderful experience for everyone, but 2nd and 3rd places were achieved in both the U14s and U18s categories.
Suffolk Festival of Performing Arts launched a new Chorister Competition this term, which was held in St Mary-le-Tower, Ipswich. Georgia (Y7), Jasper (Y8), Jack (Y8), Eve (Y9), Florence (Y11), Isla(Y11) and Ella (Y13) all competed in the junior and senior classes admirably. The adjudicator Ben Ponniah commented on their excellent presentation and accomplished performances.
It was a wonderful afternoon of beautiful music and all our students proudly represented Woodbridge School; they each performed with musicality, assurance and sincerity.
The following students were placed as follows:
Jack 2nd in Junior Class
Jasper 3rd in Junior Class
Esme 2nd in Senior Class
Ella 3rd in Senior Class