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17 Nov 17

On Monday 6 November a team of 5 girls from Year 5 represented The Abbey at a STEM Olympiad day at Old Buckenham Hall. Georgia P, Thea, Juno, Lara and Sasha travelled to OBH with Mrs Martin.

The journey was such fun as we were all chatting and singing and before we knew it we had arrived. There were quite a few other schools that had been invited. STEM subjects are Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Our first task was to go to the computing room where we were set a coding task on Scratch. This technology task was a great start to our day. We were programming our characters to move and do lots of different things including: changing colours, going round and round and speaking.

Next we moved onto Engineering (Mr Smith would have loved to see us complete this task). We had to create and build a wind powered car. We had no instructions, only materials that included; a sweetie bag, a piece of cardboard, two straws, a thin oval shape of wood, 4 cardboard wheels, a cup, masking tape and playdough. Unfortunately it did not go that well because the wheels kept falling off!

After that it was time for Maths. We had to do lots of different puzzles and it

was really good fun. We had five minutes for each task and then the buzzer went off. We learnt that the key to success was TEAMWORK!

Next up was Science – a fantastic experience of Chemistry. We had to work out how much Vitamin C was in different fruit juices using a chemical called DC Pip. Then we made elephant toothpaste so that when you added the yeast it exploded! We couldn’t believe how much it grew!

We all worked so well together and supported each other in all the different tasks; we had a great day too! We are all really excited about the STEM subjects now.

By Georgia, Sasha and Lara

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