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Pupils Qualify for Chess Nationals

26 Nov 18

Congratulations to our National schools ‘A’ chess team of Oliver, Saif, Marina, Katarina, Jake and Toby who on Wednesday night qualified for the National stages of the competition by winning a quadrangular match at The Bishop’s Stortford High School. The team won all three matches, against our own B team and THBHS A and B teams 4-2, 4.5-1.5 and 6-0 respectively. Oliver and Toby won all three games, but every player came up with valuable points when needed.

Unfortunately the B team lost its three matches, but narrowly missed a draw against our own A team and were close to winning against TBHS ‘B’, losing 3.5-2.5. The team was Sam, Thomas, William, Milo, Henry and James. All games were played in fantastic spirit, and the majority lasted close to the full 1 hour time limit.

Don’t forget the Woodbridge Junior Open is scheduled for next Sunday 2 December, with entry forms available from Mr Hunt or outside B1.

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