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Primary Enrichment Design Workshop – November 2023

17 Nov 23

Children from Years 5 and 6 at St Mary’s and Mellis Primary schools spent time in our Design department last Friday as part of Primary Enrichment.

Kicking off with a brand new workshop, children joined us in School where they designed and produced a set of wooden book ends, using a variety of workshop tools. Learning about different skills such as sawing, joining wood and finishing, it was a great opportunity for them to be introduced to and use different tools for the first time, as well as work through a design process from imagination to creation!

Developing their confidence of working in a practical classroom, the workshop also embedded key health and safety considerations that must be considered and addressed when working with tools and equipment, whilst providing a set of skills relevant to woodworking.

Our DT department were incredibly impressed with the level of focus and attention from the children, as well as their stunning end products; the children’s morning culminated in a lovely lunch in our Tuckwell room.

Thank you and well done to everyone who came along for the workshop.

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