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OW Jamie Saul’s Directorial Debut of ‘Antigone’

22 Mar 21

Many of us will remember the wonderful Jamie Saul, Head Boy from a couple of years ago. He continues to make great strides in Bristol, currently applying for a MA in directing, whilst setting up his own theatre company (alongside studying for his English degree!)

Jamie’s company Brave Mirror was working on an adaptation of ‘Jane Eyre’ before the pandemic hit, but in true creative style, changed gear and embraced this period of remoteness to create a Zoom adaption of ‘Antigone’. Jamie has adapted and directed this project, which was released on Friday 19 March, receiving its YouTube première. It is now available to watch ‘on demand’ on the Black Mirror website at bravemirror.com/Antigone 

With regards to the production, Jamie has said….

“We’ve got a content warning in place for descriptions of violence, themes of death and suicide, and flashing images in the show, but it should be as suitable as any production of ‘Antigone’.”

Antigone – A Review by Senior Tutor, Michael Streat

Fancy a bit of tortured guilt… and even a threat of torture?

This was the première of OW Jamie Saul’s Brave Mirror production of Antigone…Jamie’s adaptation being based on Francis Storr’s translation of Sophocles’s original play (that’s a lot of apostrophes).

And what a première it was… wonderfully absorbing – I recommend it wholeheartedly: a great story powerfully and sympathetically told… despite the restrictions of lockdown! Jamie’s conceit to let the action play out over the course of a series of Zoom calls will strike a chord with all of us, I am sure.  If you have watched Tennant and Sheen’s (or is it Sheen and Tennant’s?) Staged, you’ll be familiar with the format. Though this time there aren’t quite so many laughs!

Sit back and be gripped by the drip, drip, drip of disaster…

There’s no greater fool than an obstinate fool…

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