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Outstanding GCSE Results at Woodbridge School

20 Aug 15

This year’s GCSE results are the best for many years. 55.1% of GCSEs were awarded at A* and A grades and just under a quarter of all GCSE grades were A*. 61% of students obtained one A* or more in their GCSEs. 40% of students obtained the equivalent of at least all A grades and ten students obtained more than 8 A*s.

92.4% of students gained 5 GCSEs at A*-C including English and Maths. Interestingly boys slightly out-performed girls on this measure with 92.1% of girls and 92.6% of boys obtaining 5 GCSEs at A*-C including English and Maths.

Neil Tetley, Headmaster of Woodbridge School, said: “This is a quite superb set of results and one of the best in many years. Our students worked extremely hard to obtain such wonderful results but they also found time to enjoy everything else the school has to offer, from rugby to chess.

School is about helping to prepare young people for life and good academic grades are a very important part of this but the ability to communicate effectively, to empathise with others and the confidence to believe you can achieve anything you want to are just as important. At Woodbridge we aim to combine excellent academic results with strong personal development. I would like to congratulate all students and staff.’gcse350

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