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Home > News and Events > Netball Success for the U12A Team

Netball Success for the U12A Team

27 Mar 18

Well done to the U12A team on their success this season. Not only did they win their South Suffolk Tournament (playing against the league teams), but they won their league as well! The team had some fantastic victories, and some extremely nail-biting games – particularly against Ipswich School where they came from behind in the last quarter to triumph. Their commitment, dedication and desire to do their best cannot be faulted…thank you! Well done to the team; Libbie Brightey (Captain), Steph Gifford, Maddie Buchanan, Esme Ball, Ruby Vinton, Beau Barrington-Hibbert, Ada Marson and Maggie Nicholson. Thank you also to Izzy Mitchell for stepping in during the tournament due to injury. A superb season girls, and one of which you should be very proud.

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