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Netball News – Woodbridge U16A vs Felstead (Won 31-25)

27 Mar 18

What a game!

After a quiet start with Milly Buckingham and Sarah Barker feeding the circle well, it was nonetheless Felsted who went ahead at the end of the first quarter. Determined to wrest back control, the girls set themselves the task of taking the lead by half time.  We put in a sustained effort: Tess Lye and Joanne Garnett ruled our attacking circle and put some great shots in, Amy Graham and Sarah fed the circle brilliantly, and our defence of Katherine Bye and Tash Doole, along with Maud Peel made a huge defensive effort.  13-8 at half time! Back came Felsted, as we knew they would… and before long it was 14-15.  Panic?  Not a bit of it: the girls rallied strongly and finished the third and vital quarter 24-18 ahead.

So into the final quarter and Lucy Hudson made her presence felt with us playing some brilliant defensive netball, Sarah was the most determined I had ever seen her, and we kept our lead to win by 31-25.  A great game and well worth the journey!

Well done, girls – and Mrs Johnson says what a pleasure you have been to teach all season.

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