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Heated Debate Follows Submission of Resolution During MUN

10 Dec 21

After what has been an incredibly busy term for Modern United Nations, another busy session took place this week.  Sophie, the delegate for the United States submitted a resolution proposing the adoption of gender neutral pronouns across all the UN communication.  

The resolution sparked a heated debate during which a range of arguments were elegantly constructed and put forward; from Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia through Iceland and Sweden to France and Argentina.  

Thanks go out particularly to Harry, Bea, Xander, Ollie, Sophie, Kitt, Robert, Amelie, Skyla, Ewan, Toby, Izzie, Rose, Georgie, James, Maisy, Jade and all the other delegates that, during each MUN session, successfully put aside their own beliefs to explore and adopt a range of different cultural and political perspectives on the most critical global issues we face today. 

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