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English Schools Cross Country Selects Six Athletes from Woodbridge to Represent Suffolk

10 Feb 23

Congratulations to Year 8’s Romilly and Felicity, Year 10’s Phoebe, Year 12’s Isobel and Henry and to Year 13’s Amy who have been selected to represent Suffolk at the annual English Schools Cross Country Championships on 18 March; Suffolk will take a team of just 48 athletes across all ages from Years 8 to 13.

English Schools is the largest school event on the cross country calendar and the final race of the cross country season. On Saturday 18 March, just the top eight athletes from 44 counties will race at Wollaton Park in Nottingham in each age group.

Congratulation also to Year 9’s Charlie and Jasper, and Year 10’s Angus who are on very short reserve lists and may still get the call to run!

Wishing every athlete the very best of luck for their trip to Nottingham in March.

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