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Cross Country Competition

23 Sep 21

Having been blessed with some great (although somewhat warm at times) weather, a good number of students from Years 7 and 8 turned out to compete in the second leg of the School’s House Cross Country last Friday.

Running as individuals, contributing to overall house totals and positions, the final distance for Year 7 and 8 was 2.4Km, with students from Years 9 and 10 running 3.2Km in total.

The following students were awarded their places as detailed:

Year 7 Girls

1st                           Seckford

2nd                          Burwell

3rd                           Annott

4th                           Willard

1st                           Felicity

2nd                          Romilly

3rd                           Sophie

Year 7 Boys

1st                           Seckford

2nd                          Annott

3rd                           Burwell

4th                           Willard

1st                           Oscar

2nd                          Isaac

3rd                           Arthur

Year 8 Girls

1st                          Burwell

2nd                          Annott

3rd                           Seckford

4th                           Willard

1st                           Charlie

2nd                          Eloise

3rd                           Aurelia

Year 8 Boys

1st                           Burwell

2nd                          Seckford

3rd                           Willard

4th                           Annott

1st                           Jasper

2nd                          Oli

3rd                           Sam

Year 9 Girls

1st                           Seckford

2nd                          Annott

3rd                           Burwell

4th                           Willard

1st                           Rose

2nd                          Lara

3rd                          Libby

Year 9 Boys

1st                           Annott

2nd                          Willard

3rd                           Seckford

4th                           Burwell

1st                           Oser

2nd                          Andrea 

3rd                          Jacob

Year 10 Girls

1st                           Seckford

2nd                          Willard

3rd                           Burwell

4th                           Annott

1st                           Amelie

2nd                          Phoebe

3rd                           Millie

Year 10 Boys

1st                           Annott

2nd                          Seckford

3rd                           Burwell

4th                           Willard

1st                           Jack

2nd                          Brucey

3rd                           James

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