Woodbridge School and Sixth Form
+44 (0)1394 615000
Woodbridge School Prep
+44 (0)1394 382673

Meet: Aason

Living and learning at Woodbridge School

Coming to the UK to live and learn was obviously a huge decision for me and my family, but I instantly felt that Woodbridge was the right place to be – I’ve only been here a few months but already I’m settled and enjoying School, sports and weekend activities organised by the Housemaster and his family.

I share a dorm with two other boys, also both from overseas and both in Year 9 too, which is great fun. There’s always lots to do after School and at weekends, I really enjoy going out to different places as well as playing basketball when I can.

Being here full time I find it very easy to focus on my studies – School in the UK is so very different to that in Hong Kong anyway, but I particularly feel that the access I have to support and help from teachers as well as the Housemaster and mistress makes a real difference.  Boarding means we have to be strict about routine and responsible for our studies in a different way than we would be if we didn’t live here too.

There’s always something going on in the house, we have celebrations, activities and meals together – my absolute favourite is breakfast, there’s so much choice and I really look forward to weekends when we get to eat lots of different cuisines together.

Boarding throughout COVID has meant that it’s quite challenging to travel home during term breaks, but I’ve been given lots of support making arrangements and booking flights which as really taken the worry of that away.

Any queries?

Boarding Admissions

Emma Rutterford (Boarding & International Admissions Manager)
Tel: +44 (0)1394 615041

Want to book a visit or make an enquiry? Please get in touch.

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