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Home > News and Events > Another Outstanding Speech Day September 2014
Another Outstanding Speech Day September 2014

Another Outstanding Speech Day September 2014

14 Sep 14

Woodbridge School’s Senior School Speech Day took place on Saturday 13 September, and again the audience, and our guest speaker, Mr Roger Wright, the new CEO of Aldeburgh Music, were wowed by this remarkable celebration of achievement. As each pupil came up to receive their prize, Deputy Headmaster Michael Streat read a brief description of their notable achievements during their time at School, and it was remarkable how many of the pupils were not just proving to be highly successful academically, but had also taken part in a huge range of other activities such as sport, drama, MUN, languages, music, or art, and enjoyed further success in each of these areas too. Woodbridge’s pupils embrace the opportunities open to them at the School, and nowhere is this more evident than at Speech Day.

Speech Day also saw the first major public appearance by new Headmaster, Neil Tetley, who along with Chairman of the Governors, Roger Finbow, and guest speaker Mr Roger Wright, spoke on the subject of the positive nature of change. Roger Wright also spoke powerfully on the subject of the unity of our fellow man, all joined under one sky. An inspiring and humbling day, and the School would like to thank all those who came to join us on this most special occasion.

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