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Almanza Dinner Report

17 Mar 23

Last week the Army section of our CCF held their Almanza dinner in School to honour The Battle of Almanza in which the forebears of the Royal Anglian Regiment took part. Cadets and staff enjoyed a three course meal and toasts were given to The King, the Army section and The Royal Anglian Regiment. Year 11’s Ollie reported on the evening.

Year 11’s Ollie
The Almanza dinner is something to look forward to on the CCF calendar, an evening of good food, good company and an opportunity to dress up.

The meal being an important celebration of the battle of Almanza and the achievements of the Royal Anglian regiment, along with being a time to look back on the good times that have been had. The CCF being a great part of School life, having something to look forward to at the end of the week when you can be part of not only a team but a community; learning weapon drills, military knowledge and group tactics.

For me the best part of the CCF being combat cadet learning teamwork skills, firing manoeuvres and fighting in built-up areas to become the best that we can be as a team.

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