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OW Kate Randall Asks for our Support

22 Jan 19

OW Kate Randall asks for our support.

Kate asks us to help a school friend of her daughter’s, struck down by a cruel illness.  Kate takes up the story:

A girl called Maya in my daughter’s class at Lyminge Primary in Kent has Neuroblastoma cancer. She is 5 years old. This is a rare and highly aggressive form of childhood cancer. Whilst she has beaten stage one of the fight and the initial tumours are at bay, her future is uncertain – scans show potential hotspots. In over 50% of cases those who manage against the odds to beat it thus far, find themselves relapsed within a couple of years. Once relapsed the chance of survival is less than 10%. The NHS have no ongoing treatment programmes for those with Neuroblastoma. It is a wait and see approach. However there is hope for Maya in that a vaccine is available in the US. Its success rate thus far is impressive. To that end Maya’s family are desperately trying to get Maya to America. They need however to raise a huge amount of money.

Anaya has asked me to do all I can to help her friend, hence my writing to you. There has been a tremendous amount of support from our community and so far we have raised over £10,000. Anaya is arranging a fun run at her athletics club, the Ghurkhas have a dinner and many local businesses, schools and clubs are doing all they can to raise funds and host events.  Dellanie, Maya’s mum, is a student nurse in critical care.  She is new to social media, and spends hours every night after work, on twitter, Instagram and Facebook trying to spread the word on Maya’s urgent appeal. However we need to reach a wider audience if we are ever to reach the terrifying target of £243,000. We also need to do this fast. While the cancer is inactive Maya has a chance, but that could change any day.

Here is a link so you can read this all for yourself: https://solvingkidscancer.org.uk/campaigns/maya-nash/. Please don’t feel afraid to ask any questions of me katerandall@email.com<mailto:katerandall@email.com> or Solving Kids Cancer.

Please help in any way you can, no matter how small it may seem. Everything helps the family to keep going through these difficult times.

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