Woodbridge School and Sixth Form
+44 (0)1394 615000
Woodbridge School Prep
+44 (0)1394 382673

“Our children have both flourished as a result of the inspiring teaching and can-do atmosphere that has derived from your leadership of the school…The annual school play continues to stun audiences no matter how high their natural expectations. The educational benefits are extraordinary. We have seen our children, and their friends, mature significantly in a matter of weeks through the rehearsal period. They have developed a keen sense of mutual responsibility, the ability to deal with mistakes on the fly, and to do so without supervision, in the full glare of public scrutiny…Thanks to The Abbey, Ella and Fynn walk tall.”

“Our daughter has had a very happy 4 years and has become more confident academically and most importantly has discovered the enjoyment of learning…All the sport has been fantastic…she has loved the team games and they have given her so much confidence…I wanted to thank you for the very special time our children have had under your guidance.”

“Thank you so much for all the help and guidance that you have given our daughter over her 4 years at The Abbey. She has loved it and has developed into a young lady of whom we are extremely proud. It has been the best school choice we could have made.”

“My wife and I would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the wonderful care you have given all of our children at The Abbey. Nothing has ever been too much trouble for you. It is this sort of care which has made so much difference to our children’s lives and our own.”

“How very grateful we are to everyone for looking after our daughter. The school has been so wonderful. I was so impressed that for the Cross Country Mr Garrett gave the last three runners two Housepoints each for supporting each other and sticking together and that all the children were clapping each other and supporting even the very last runners. She has made some very strong friendships and doesn’t want to leave.”

“Our son is using his new found confidence reading aloud (thanks to The Abbey) to perform a poem…Thank you – your hard work building his confidence has had spectacular results.”

“Thank you so much again for being a brilliant and accessible head!!!”

“It has been a huge privilege to have two of our children at The Abbey. The head and his staff have been wonderful, and have given us everything that we had hoped for and expected and more.”

“To say it was a huge leap in both academic and social terms for our son (and us!) coming to The Abbey is an understatement. Mr Garrett set the tone with his first interview. No soft-soaping, no ‘selling’, just honest straight talking – but all the time with a huge measure of compassion and enthusiasm…To all the teachers, office staff, matron and related staff – thank you. Together you have all contributed to not only furthering our son’s education, but also his social awareness, respect for others and sport! Learning to accept that life is often made up of challenges; times of leaving one’s comfort zone and joining in, whether it’s your ‘thing’ or not.”

“I just wanted you to know that the shy little girl who arrived at your school and who would not attend the interview without her mother being present has just won a double scholarship. Her time at The Abbey was so instrumental to providing her with the skills that have resulted in these awards.”